The fourth Gospel in the NT. It is traditionally ascribed to John the Apostle, who is then identified with the “Beloved Disciple” who is present in the latter part of the narrative and is said to have written down his testimony to Jesus (
Outline of Contents
I. Introduction (
A. Prologue (
B. Encounter with John the Baptist and call of disciples (
II. Jesus’s manifestation of God’s glory before the world (
A. Wine miracle (
B. Cleansing of the Temple (
C. Discussion with Nicodemus on birth from above (
D. The second appearance of the Baptist (
E. Conversation with Samaritan woman (
F. Healing of official’s son (
G. Healing at pool of Beth-zatha and related discourse (
H. Feeding of five thousand and related incidents and discussions (
I. Jesus at Festival of Tabernacles (
J. Woman taken in adultery (
K. Jesus the Light of the World (
L. Restoration of sight to blind man (
M. Jesus the Good Shepherd (
N. Raising of Lazarus from the dead (
O. Condemnation of Jesus (
P. Triumphal entry and related events (
III. Jesus’s manifestation of God’s glory to his disciples (
A. The Last Supper; Jesus washes disciples’ feet (
B. First farewell discourse to disciples (
C. Second farewell discourse to disciples (
D. Jesus’s final prayer (
E. The passion narrative: Jesus’s arrest, trial, crucifixion, and burial (
F. Discovery of empty tomb and resurrection appearances in Jerusalem (
IV. Appendix: Jesus’s appearance by Sea of Galilee to Peter and others (