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A site in Palestine occupied for over three thousand years. Ancient Taanach was located on the southern edge of the Esdraelon Plain five miles southeast of Megiddo, close to the modern village that still bears the name. According to the Bible, Joshua defeated the king of Taanach (Josh 12:21), and although the town was allotted to Manasseh (Josh 17:11; 1Chr 7:29) and named a levitical city (Josh 21:25), the Canaanites were not driven out (Judg 1:27). Taanach is also mentioned as the place where Deborah and Barak defeated the Canaanites; the victory is celebrated in the Song of Deborah (Judg 5:19). It is later listed as being included in one of Solomon’s administrative districts (1Kgs 4:12).