Season 1: Episode 27
All About Our Pal Josephus
Date Aired: 06/05/2023
Finally, an episode about Josephus! Josephus is not only our best source for life in Roman-ruled Judaea, but also our only source. (Much like Dave is his parents’ favorite, and only, son.) Josephus wrote A LOT about the Jewish wars with Rome and Jewish history in general, but scholars usually take his accounts with a grain of salt. As a Jew and a Roman citizen during a period of great tumult, Josephus had his own version of history to tell. We welcome Helen’s colleague Kimberley Czajkowski, an expert on 1st-century Judaea, to introduce us to the real Josephus, one of the most important and controversial writers from the ancient world.
Listen to the episode on the Biblical Time Machine website or wherever you get your podcasts.
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